Monday, 13 April 2009

Because the world is round

Morning Pages

I got the title from a book I tried to use once about learning to be creative, The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. The idea is to write every morning for a set time, as I recall from memory and then just keep them to one side. [Learn more here] Its the sort of thing I did a lot of as a teeneager and student and up to my mid thirties and then got out of the habit of doing. I guess that is why I broght a book to learn how to write again. I found it far to formal a way of living though and abandoned the idea quite soon after I read the first few chapters of the book. The sort of writing I used to do was very abstract, sometimes under the influence and sometimes angry. It would come at anytime and be a great source of poetry and ideas for me.
I recently started a course called "Re-Write Your Life". It is a corny title but the woman running it is absolutely wonderful and it has been another way in which I have been able to re examine the writing that I do and that I can do. It has been quite surprising how it has replenished my sense of creativity.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

First Blog Entry

The intention is to start a blog as an alternative to the 'childish ways' of Facebook - although a few friends are linked and talk using that medium so I would not want to loose that altogether.
This is an experiment.
Let us see what happens!